FIC 3 Valleys: Victory for Vincent

Publié le par Vincent Esnault

Vincent Esnault (MAS Rollerblade France) won the FIC stage 9 of 3 Valleys this Sunday, concluding an epic break away of 37kms with two other skaters. The marathon was raced on sliperry grounds but in good conditions for skating... And ended with a particular conclusion.


The race really started after 5kms, when Sébastien Babault (K2/Pierre-qui-Roule) and Matthieu Barrault (Levallois Sporting Club) attacked: Vincent stuck in their wheels immediatly. The three relayed well together and opened a gap of 1, then 2 minutes. Behind, the pace was leaded by skaters from UCNA-Roller (Matthieu Boher and Richard Deniaud) and Yann Guyader (Timmermann-Powerslide) but also well controlled by Vincent and Matthieu team mates.

The trio was entering one of the most difficult part of the circuit when the peloton took a wrong and shorter way, at about mid-race. All finally finished together, the pace waiting the escapee in the Rambouillet forest with about 5kms and few efforts less... In the very last kilometres, Julien Despaux and his team mate Vincent were very active, trying to control each attempt of new break, whereas Maxime Provost was controlling behind.  

It was quite sure it would have ended in a massive sprint, even if Mikaël Lannezval (LSC) tryed a last time to go: he was quickly chased down  by Antoine Jacquier. At the top of the 3kms last up hill, it was Yann Guyader who crossed the line first, in front of Julien Levrard (LSC) and Matthieu Boher (UCNA-Roller). Maxime Provost was five and Vincent six. But he knew he just had to control his two companions of break to win this particular race... Because the pace has not made the same one!

No one knows what would have happened if the pack had taken the good way... A little error had big consequences at the end, but it can happen. The organisation decided sportively to give this race two winners, Vincent and Yann, and it must be the best decision!

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Siccuramente, tutto questo posso capirlo. Ma datto che non è verramente un grando pericoloso per lo sport, penso che sia megliore cosi. Ci ha messo nei guai perchè nessuno sa cio che sarei succeso senz'errore... Adesso, habiamo l'ultima gara per mostrare cio che abbiamo nel cuore, vero ?
Hallo Folks,<br /> det er sant at det var ei dritt dum løpet ! Stole på meg jeg vet hva jeg sier fordi jeg kjenner hva jeg snakker om. Hva tekker du om det menne mine ?<br /> Die drittsekkene som har gjørt tullpratt mens løpa skal ikke ha penger eller noen annen ! Æ pull itj for små penga ! Som skal si noen jeg kjenner veldig bra.... bakk i et par år når æ var i Norge for å ta fin tid men menesker jeg skal aldri glemme.<br /> Men hva i helvete skjedde der ? Ingen skal noensinne vet det. Men hva vi vet for sikkert er at Vincent skal pull en litt mer og at Matthieu skal tenker litt mer før å bli gal.<br /> Nå, alle skal har det bra fordi tia har fin go at vi vil elskede ikke krigen.<br /> Ha det bra! Kristiansen Grüt
Salou gringos, sé Paquitos y Paquitas, ma mon sournomè, sé métros coubos...<br /> Yé comprendo par bouen l'anglishes, ma quand tou dis "fuck", ça vout dire "muchas gracias", sé ça ???<br /> Bijouch bonitos ! Maintenant ché Jorge a arrêté, vous êtes les dernières chtars dou rollers !
What the fuck ? What ? Fuck ? What the fuck happened ? I cannot fucking believe it ! <br /> It is fucking unbelievable that this fucking race ended in this fucking way ! But who the fuck could do something fucking else ? No fucking fellow will ever fucking know... <br /> Anyfuckingway, I am very fucking happily surprised that Vincent and Matthieu fuc...  sorry, broke away together for once ! They have been waiting this fucking moment for a so fucking long time now ! I wish them now a fucking good future collaboration and may be some more fucking...<br />  <br /> And fuck to all who would refute the fucking merit the 3 lads showed this fucking week-end during this fucking journey ! I gonna kick some fucking ass if so !!!<br />  <br /> The F'man